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35 Most Inspirational Quotes in hindi by PM Narendra Damodar Das Modi - पीएम नरेंद्र दामोदर दास मोदी द्वारा 10 सबसे प्रेरणादायक उद्धरण हिंदी में

1. “Hard work never brings fatigue. It brings satisfaction.” Narendra Modi

2. “Once we decide we have to do something, we can go miles ahead.” Narendra Modi

3. “We should remain students for lifetime. You should be ready and yearn to learn from every moment of life.” Narendra Modi

4. “IT + IT + IT; Indian Talent + Information Technology = India Tomorrow.” Narendra Modi
5. “An opportunity to work is good luck for me. I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens the gates for the next one.” Narendra Modi

6. “This country has not been made by politicians, kings or governments. It has been made by farmers, labourers, our mothers and sisters, and youth.” Narendra Modi

7. “The 21st century is an era of knowledge. If poverty is to be abolished in this century it can be abolished only through knowledge.” Narendra Modi

8. “My experience in Gujarat shows that howsoever big a problem might be, it is not insurmountable if we have the will to act. ” Narendra Modi

9. “We do not need ‘act’ but action.” Narendra Modi
10. “Mind is never a problem. Mindset is.” Narendra Modi

11. “Education makes life self-reliant. It inspires man to live with dignity in the society.” Narendra Modi

12. “If seeds of good humanity and good culture are sown, the reward of a rich harvest can be reaped by generation to come. education means such sowing, such implementing.” Narendra Modi

13. “Each one of us has both; good and evil virtues. Those who decide to focus on the good ones succeed in life.” Narendra Modi

14. “Dreams are not seen when you sleep, dreams are those that don’t let you sleep.” Narendra Modi
15. “Each one of us has a natural instinct to rise, like a flame of the lamp. Let’s nurture this instinct.” Narendra Modi

16. “Don’t dream to be something but rather dream to do something great.” Narendra Modi

17. “I am a small man who wants to do big things for small people.” Narendra Modi

18. “I want my nation to be modified as a secure prosperous and dignified nation. Do you?” Narendra Modi

19. “Truth will ultimately prevail.” Narendra Modi
20. “A son of a poor man is standing in front of you today! This is the strength of a democracy.” Narendra Modi

21. “Individual efforts can bring excellence but only collective efforts can deliver effectively.” Narendra Modi

22. “By getting an opportunity to serve society, we get a chance to repay our debt.” Narendra Modi

23. “Education for each child should be the number one priority. Families should realize that houses and cars are much less important than a child’s education.” Narendra Modi

24. “India must take the lead in cybersecurity through innovation.” Narendra Modi
25. “It was never about a person, it was always about a nation.” Narendra Modi

26. “Today the world looks at India with hope and confidence.” Narendra Modi

27. “It is important how we view the youth of our nation. To simply consider them as new age voters will be a big mistake. They are the new age power.” Narendra Modi

28. “Unless and until you inspire the people, you will not get results. Imposition will never give you the results. Inspiration will always give you the results.” Narendra Modi

29. “People’s blessings give you the power to work tirelessly. The only thing required is commitment.” Narendra Modi
30.”Our nation is filled with tremendous energy of the youth. Whatever future we desire of, we must keep the youth at the center. If we do this, we can surge ahead at an unmatchable pace.” Narendra Modi

31. “Our constitution is a ray of hope: H for Harmony, O for Opportunity, P for People’s Participation, and E for Equality.” Narendra Modi

32. “I am a very optimistic man and only an optimistic man can bring optimism in the country.” Narendra Modi

33. “If you call yourself a leader, then you have to be decisive. If you’re decisive, then you have the chance to be a leader. These are two sides to the same coin.” Narendra Modi

34. “Our nation is rich and our people can be rich.” Narendra Modi
35. “All of us have fallen prey to a delusion – to study for getting a job. In fact, one should be educated in order to learn the Art of Living” Narendra Modi


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